Zettai Mahou’s Contract Terminated After Violations

Zettai Mahou’s Contract Terminated After Violations

J-pop idol group Miyako no Kuni no Alice has officially announced the termination of Zettai Mahou's contract due to multiple serious breaches.

The group issued a statement on 30 January 2025, confirming that Zettai Mahou has been removed from the group and their management contract has been cancelled

The exact details of the violations were not disclosed, but the decision appears to be final due to "unacceptable breach of contract".

Fans who ordered online cheki photos of Zettai Mahou will receive a full refund as their orders will no longer be fulfilled. 

The management apologised for the sudden announcement and the inconvenience caused to fans and stakeholders.

They also urged fans to refrain from sending inquiries, harassment, or defamatory remarks towards members or staff regarding this matter.

Despite this unexpected development, the group reassured fans that they will continue moving forward and asked for their ongoing support.

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