Takemoto Airi Leaves Devil ANTHEM. Amid Hiatus

Takemoto Airi Leaves Devil ANTHEM Amid Hiatus

Takemoto Airi has officially graduated from Devil ANTHEM. The group announced that she left on 1st February 2025, during their current hiatus. 

Despite her departure, the rest of the members—Takekoshi Kurumi, Mizuno Hitomi, Hashimoto Yume, and Ando Kaede—will continue. 

New members will also join as the group prepares for a fresh start.

Airi joined Devil ANTHEM. in 2017 and debuted at TOKYO IDOL FESTIVAL 2017

She played a big role in shaping the group’s sound, featuring in albums like Fake Factor, Right Now, and ADVANCE

She was also part of mini-albums Hang Out With Sound and SS.

The group initially paused activities in December 2024, giving members time to think about their future. 

After careful consideration, Airi decided to leave. 

There was no graduation concert, as her departure happened during the hiatus.

Her fan club, Takemoto Airi DeviAn Message Plan, has also shut down. The final message was sent on 2nd February, with membership cancellations and refunds being processed.

Devil ANTHEM. will return with new members, though the exact date remains unknown. Fans are encouraged to check their official website and social media for updates.

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