Self-produced Group Priciere Drops EP with New Member Vivi

Self-produced J-Pop Priciere Drops EP with New Member Vivi

Osaka-based self-produced J-Pop idol group Priciere has released their latest EP on streaming platforms, marking their first project with newly added member Nekomiya Vivi. 

The self-produced group introduced five fresh tracks, including "溺愛 Love Toxic" and "This is Sound Magic," showcasing their evolving style.

Priciere's lineup now features six members: producer Usaki Haruna, Kinjo Shiori, Akane Onpu, Watanabe Himeka, Inazuma Pikari, and Vivi. 

Vivi, who joined in December 2024, brings a new dynamic to the group as the purple representative.

Debuting in May 2023, Priciere prides itself on self-production and innovation. 

They first performed at Osaka RUIDO and have since built a solid fanbase. 

Their colourful stage personas continue to captivate fans across multiple platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube.

Follow them on Twitter (@Pricie_Official) for updates. Fans can also catch exclusive behind-the-scenes content from each member on their individual accounts.

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