Papipupet Announces Emotional Disbandment

Papipupet Announces Disbandment

Papipupet, the pet-themed J-Pop idol boy group, has shocked fans with the announcement that they’ll be disbanding on May 12, 2025. 

Formed just in June 2023, the group has quickly gained attention for their quirky concept and energetic performances.

On January 30, 2025, the decision was made official, with the group revealing that their final event will be a one-man live concert. 

While the news comes as a surprise to many, the group thanked their supporters for their warm and ongoing encouragement throughout their journey.

The group’s official statement reads: "We are truly sorry to announce that Papipupet will disband following our one-man live on May 12, 2025. We will continue with our regular live activities through February, March, and April. After an 11-day break, we’ll give our final performance on May 12. We hope to see you there and appreciate your love and support during the remaining time."

The current members of the group are Yutopi (White), Ikeharu (Purple), Misaki Hinata (Light Blue), Chihiro (Red), Koyo (Yellow), Momose Taku (Orange), Haru (Green), Yutochi (Pink), and Chama (Salmon Pink), who joined in September 2024.

Fans are now bracing themselves for the group’s final chapter, making plans to attend their last live show. It’s bittersweet, but Papipupet’s legacy in the idol world is sure to leave a lasting impression.

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