I Am Nobody S3? Director Denies Cast Change Rumours

I Am Nobody S3? Director Addresses Cast Speculation

The hit live-action drama I Am Nobody: The Showdown Between Yin & Yang has wrapped up its second season, leaving fans buzzing about a potential third instalment. 

Starring Peng Yuchang, Wang Yinglu, Hou Minghao, and Wen Qi, the series ended on 24 January with 13 episodes.

With its mix of comedy, wuxia, and adventure, the show gained immense popularity, hitting 10,000 on the heat index and earning positive reviews—just like the first season. 

Naturally, talk of a third season has already taken over social media, but not all the news is reassuring.

On Weibo, rumours have surfaced about a possible recast, particularly regarding Feng Baobao, played by Wang Yinglu. 

Some even claim that the show might move to a different platform, sparking concerns among fans.

Director Derek Hui recently addressed these rumours, making it clear that he was just as surprised as everyone else. 

"I don't know where this news came from. If I continue this project, how could I replace her? Anyone who loves I Am Nobody wouldn’t even consider replacing Baobao," he said.

While this statement reassures fans, Hui also admitted that there are no concrete plans for a third season yet. 

However, given the show's strong following and success, a continuation is still very much on the table.

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