Zhang Dada Faces Backlash Over Abuse Allegations

Zhang Dada Accused of Abuse and Intimidation Tactics

Zhang Dada Accused of Abuse and Intimidation Tactics

Chinese celebrity Zhang Dada has been swept into scandal after a netizen, Huang Maomao, accused him of harassment, abuse, and intimidation.

Huang recently posted CCTV footage showing individuals allegedly sent by Zhang banging aggressively on his door at midnight. 

The incident terrified Huang and disturbed other tenants, leading to Huang’s eviction.

Huang Maomao further claimed he was verbally abused and assaulted by Zhang Dada on 27 October 2024 during a work dispute. 

He described being attacked with glass, thrown into a flipped tea table, and humiliated for two hours.

According to Huang, Zhang forced him to apologise while bowing, stating, “Dage, duibuqi” (Brother, I’m sorry), and mocked him as “worse than a dog.”

Huang also shared an audio recording of Zhang allegedly using offensive language, reigniting public backlash. 

His post directly tagged Zhang’s account, garnering widespread attention and prompting heated online discussions.

Despite the mounting evidence and public pressure, Zhang and his team have remained silent. Netizens demand accountability and await an official statement as the case continues to unfold.

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