Yuta Kishi Shines at Banana Republic's Tokyo Launch

Yuta Kishi Shines at Banana Republic's Tokyo Launch

Number_i’s Yuta Kishi made a dazzling appearance at the grand opening of Banana Republic’s new Toranomon Hills store in Tokyo on 30 January. 

As the brand’s first-ever Japanese ambassador, Kishi expressed both excitement and gratitude for the role, saying, “I’m honoured and surprised.”

Dressed in an exclusive cream-coloured set-up, Kishi praised the outfit’s blend of sophistication and comfort. 

Yuta Kishi Shines at Banana Republic's Tokyo Launch

“It looks so refined, yet it’s easy to move in—I feel like I could dance anytime!” he said with a smile. 

His stylish presence added extra charm to the luxury fashion brand’s launch event.

With Banana Republic’s theme of travel in mind, Kishi was asked about his dream destination. 

Yuta Kishi Shines at Banana Republic's Tokyo Launch

After some thought, he chose the Amazon, citing his deep fascination with ancient fish, especially the arowana. 

“I’ve always wanted to see them in the wild from a boat. I don’t know if it’ll be in decades, but it’s a dream for the future,” he shared.

From his debut with Number_i last year to his rising influence in fashion, Kishi Yuta continues to embrace new opportunities in 2025. 

His role as Banana Republic’s ambassador marks another milestone in his ever-evolving career.

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