Yu Ting Departs i.met.u to Pursue New Dreams

Yu Ting Departs i.met.u to Pursue New Dreams

The girl group i.met.u, formed from the survival show Time Turner, has announced that Yu Ting has officially left the group. 

According to an official statement from PI Corporation, the decision was reached after extensive discussions to support Yu Ting in pursuing other dreams outside the group.

"After thorough deliberation, Yu Ting has decided to step down as a member of i.met.u. Both the company and the members respect her decision and wish her the best," the statement read.

Yu Ting had been a vital part of i.met.u since the show's finale, showcasing immense talent and dedication. 

Fans who followed her journey from the audition stages to her final activities with the group expressed both gratitude and sadness over the announcement.

PI Corporation extended heartfelt thanks to Yu Ting for her contributions and encouraged fans to continue supporting her future endeavours. 

The company also acknowledged the unwavering love and encouragement from fans during her time with i.met.u.

Yu Ting has not revealed specific plans yet, but supporters remain optimistic about her next steps. Fans globally continue to rally behind her as she ventures into new opportunities.

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