Yang Mi Jokes About Dilraba Being Her Translator in Xinjiang

Yang Mi Jokes About Dilraba Being Her Translator in Xinjiang

Yang Mi and Dilraba Dilmurat have long been known for their unique friendship, blending a boss-employee relationship with deep mutual respect. 

Yang Mi's support has played a significant role in Dilraba’s rise to fame, transforming her from an unknown talent to one of China’s most sought-after actresses.

Recently, on a talk show, Yang Mi shared a lighthearted moment about how she would rely on Dilraba as her translator if she visited Xinjiang. 

Since Dilraba is fluent in the local dialect and skilled in traditional dances, Yang Mi jokingly tested her with amusing questions like, 

"How do you say no onions and garlic?" and "Little girl, you are cuter than Dilraba Dilmurat, what do you say?"

Yang Mi Jokes About Dilraba Being Her Translator in Xinjiang

The questions made Dilraba blush, leaving the audience entertained.

Yang Mi also teased that Dilraba might have forgotten her hometown dialect after spending so much time in the entertainment industry. 

The playful interaction between them once again highlighted their strong friendship, which has endured despite Dilraba’s rapid rise in popularity.

Yang Mi Jokes About Dilraba Being Her Translator in Xinjiang

Interestingly, Yang Mi’s humour and charisma often make her stories trend online. 

She understands that mentioning Dilraba increases public interest, but she has never felt threatened by her success. 

Instead, she sees it as a blessing to have talented individuals under her guidance.

Their bond proves that true friendships can thrive in the competitive entertainment industry, showing how mutual support and camaraderie can coexist with success.

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