Sekiguchi Mandy Marries Non-Celebrity Woman

Sekiguchi Mandy Marries Non-Celebrity Woman

Sekiguchi Mandy Announces Marriage to Non-Celebrity

Sekiguchi Mandy (34), an artist and actor formerly with GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE, announced on 25 January his marriage to a non-celebrity woman. 

He shared the news on Instagram, expressing gratitude for the warm birthday messages from fans.

In his post titled “To All My Fans,” Mandy wrote, “Thank you for always supporting me. I’m deeply grateful for your heartfelt birthday wishes and am truly happy to celebrate another year in good health.”

Sekiguchi Mandy Marries Non-Celebrity Woman

He continued, “On a personal note, I would like to announce that I recently married a non-celebrity woman I’ve been in a relationship with. To me, fans, staff, colleagues, and family are all vital members of my team. I aim to grow further as a person and as a creator, hoping this team continues to expand and flourish.”

He acknowledged his shortcomings but promised to face everything sincerely, requesting ongoing guidance and support from fans and collaborators alike.

Mandy concluded his message with a teaser: “PS: I plan to share details about the ‘World Entertainment Mandy’ project I’ve been preparing since last year later this year.”

Born in the US on 25 January 1991, Mandy debuted as a performer in GENERATIONS in 2012 and joined EXILE in 2014. He was also active in the hip-hop group HONEST BOYZ and became a member of EXILE B HAPPY in 2023.

As an actor, he appeared in popular productions such as Paripi Koumei, the HiGH&LOW series, and Prince of Legend. In 2023, Mandy graduated from EXILE TRIBE, left LDH, and began independent activities. Fans have celebrated his happy news, flooding social media with congratulatory messages.

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