Sanpei Koki to Graduate from PETERPAN SYNDROME

Sanpei Koki to Graduate from PETERPAN SYNDROME

Sanpei Koki (formerly Sanpei Kouta), a key member of J-Pop idol group PETERPAN SYNDROME, has announced his graduation from the group and departure from the agency on 30th March 2025.

Sanpei debuted with PETERPAN SYNDROME in 2020, becoming one of the group’s most beloved members for his charisma and dedication. 

Over the years, he has played a significant role in shaping the group’s identity and connecting with fans.

In a heartfelt statement, Sanpei expressed gratitude towards his supporters and team. 

“I’ve learned so much and grown tremendously in this group,” he said. 

“This decision wasn’t easy, but it’s time for me to explore new paths and challenges.”

Fans have taken to social media to share their sadness over his departure and wish him well in future endeavours.

PETERPAN SYNDROME also released a statement thanking Sanpei for his contributions and promising a memorable farewell event. As the date approaches, fans are gearing up to bid farewell to a cherished idol.

The announcement marks the end of a chapter, but Sanpei’s legacy will remain an integral part of PETERPAN SYNDROME’s history.

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