Naradar Lim Boyfriend: LadyNaradar Denies Viral Issue

Naradar Lim Boyfriend LadyNaradar Issued Statement

Naradar Lim Dismisses Child Out of Wedlock Rumours

Manila-based Instagram celeb, TikToker, and underground model Naradar Lim (LadyNarada) has released a firm statement denying recent allegations that she has a child out of wedlock.

The rumours surfaced after online chatter hinted that a 25-year-old popular model and TikToker from Manila was secretly pregnant and had a child outside of marriage. 

Although the identity of the celebrity was unclear, speculation quickly pointed to Naradar Lim.

Netizens began linking Ladynaradar to the rumours, citing videos she posted from a hotel as supposed evidence. 

Some even suggested she had been romantically involved with a married actor, further fuelling the gossip.

In her statement, Naradar Lim’s management denied the accusations, stating unequivocally that she is not the woman involved. 

The team also warned that legal action would be taken against those spreading false information to protect Naradar Lim’s reputation.

Fans of both Naradar Lim and the unnamed actor clashed online, escalating the controversy. 

However, a media outlet refuted the claims, even stating that the actor was "unworthy" of Ladynaradar, which further divided opinions.

This heated debate continues to spark arguments between fans on social media platforms.

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