Mittun to Graduate from Maison de Queen

Mittun to Graduate from Maison de Queen

Mittun to Graduate from Maison de Queen in February

Maison de Queen has announced that member Mittun will graduate from the group on 13 February 2025 due to differences in direction. 

Mittun, who joined the group in October 2024, will also leave their agency, Ever Blue Entertainment, following the graduation.

The group debuted on 26 July 2024, and its concept of "6 People + 1 Queen" was well-received, with member aiai serving as the "conductor" to guide the team. 

Mittun's final performance will take place during Make the Queen Vol.5.

In their official statement, the management apologised for the sudden announcement and requested fans to refrain from sending inquiries about the decision. 

Fan club services related to Mittun have been updated, including the suspension of new memberships and automatic payments for Mittun’s fan plans. 

Unused digital perks, such as online video talks and photo tickets, will remain valid until 13 February 2025.

Despite Mittun’s departure, Maison de Queen pledges to continue evolving and looks forward to the fans’ ongoing support.

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