Min Pechaya & Sam Yuranunt Freed After 84 Days in Custody

Min Pechaya & Sam Yuranunt Freed After 84 Days in Custody

According to local media, Thailand’s Justice Minister has announced the release of Min Pechaya and Sam Yuranunt, two public figures involved in the high-profile iCON Group case. 

The decision not to pursue charges against them has sparked widespread public discussion.

Both were detained for 84 days before being freed. 

The minister emphasised the legal principle that suspects are innocent until proven guilty, urging respect for judicial processes.

Another celebrity linked to the case, Kan Kantathavorn, remains in Bangkok Special Prison. 

Authorities have placed him with others facing similar charges and implemented prisoner dispersal policies to support his emotional well-being.

Min and Sam’s release has reignited debates about justice and compensation for wrongful detention. 

Under Thai law, they are eligible for 500 baht per day of detention, plus 363 baht daily for economic losses, amounting to 72,492 baht each. 

However, this does not cover legal or medical expenses.

The Justice Ministry has proposed a new bill to enhance compensation mechanisms for those wrongfully detained, regardless of case outcomes. 

The minister underscored the importance of basing legal proceedings on facts, free from public pressure.

This case continues to draw attention, spotlighting Thailand’s justice system and the treatment of high-profile defendants.

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