MAIMATSU Returns with ‘OMATSURI-KAIEN’ Mini Album

MAIMATSU Returns with ‘OMATSURI-KAIEN’ Mini Album

The Jihadol group MAIMATSU (MAINICHI MATSURI) has made a stunning return with their mini album OMATSURI-KAIEN, featuring the title track Away Out

The group, known for their unique blend of styles and cultural influences, uploaded the official music video for Away Out on their YouTube channel, which has already garnered thousands of views within hours of release.

Fans have waited eagerly for this comeback, hoping it signals a more active phase for MAIMATSU in the J-Pop industry. 

The album tracks, now available on Spotify and Apple Music, showcase the group’s versatility and growth.

Their long hiatus has left fans craving new content, and this comeback feels like a refreshing restart. 

With vibrant visuals and an engaging sound, the Away Out music video promises to captivate both loyal supporters and new listeners. 

MAIMATSU’s return is a moment of celebration for their global fanbase, who have voiced excitement across social media platforms.

It remains to be seen how MAIMATSU’s renewed efforts will impact their presence in the competitive JPop scene, but this release has certainly set the stage for a promising new chapter.

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