Li Yunrui Condemns Extreme Sasaeng Behaviour

Li Yunrui Condemns Extreme Sasaeng Behaviour

Chinese actor Li Yunrui’s management has issued a strong statement condemning the actions of obsessive fans, often referred to as sasaengs, who have been causing disturbances and threatening the actor's safety and privacy.

The statement highlighted numerous incidents, including hotel stalking, vehicle chases, and even physical aggression towards vehicles. 

These actions, the management stated, have not only disrupted public order but also endangered Li Yunrui’s well-being.

The studio have today urged fans to maintain rational behaviour, avoid inappropriate conduct, and collectively foster a civil and healthy social environment. 

They emphasised the importance of respecting privacy and adhering to societal norms.

The studio further announced plans to take legal action against violators to protect the rights of the actor. 

“We have prepared legal measures and will pursue accountability to the fullest extent of the law,” they stated.

Li Yunrui’s management hopes this firm stance will deter future incidents and encourage fans to support their idol in a respectful and lawful manner.

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