Koharu of Charan-Po-Rantan Announces Marriage and Baby Boy

Koharu of Charan-Po-Rantan Announces Marriage and Baby Boy

Koharu, one half of the beloved Japanese musical duo Charan-Po-Rantan, has shared joyous personal news with her fans. 

The singer-accordionist announced her marriage to Kensuke Koike, a renowned collage artist based in Italy, and the birth of their first child, a baby boy. 

In a social media post, Koharu revealed, “Over the past few years, I’ve experienced marriage, divorce, remarriage, and pregnancy, and I’ve safely given birth recently!” 

She expressed her decision to share these milestones openly, stating, “I want to continue connecting with you all while pouring my heart into music.”  

Koharu’s husband, Kensuke Koike, is celebrated for his innovative collage works exploring human imagination and perception. 

Despite his base in Italy, Koharu plans to continue her musical career in Japan. 

Her sister and musical partner, Momo, enthusiastically celebrated the news, declaring herself “Harori Obasan” (Auntie MOMO) in a playful social media post.  

Koharu of Charan-Po-Rantan Announces Marriage and Baby Boy

The duo’s fans have much to look forward to, as Charan-Po-Rantan’s schedule remains packed. 

Momo is currently on her first solo tour, “Hitori Demo Harori Tour,” with tickets selling out nationwide. 

A live stream of the February 22 Tokyo performance will be available on ZAIKO. 

Meanwhile, the duo will perform at Tokyo’s Kinema Club on March 7 for their “Medetai Live!” concert, followed by a seven-city “Medetai Tour!” starting April 5. 

They will also host their annual “Rantan Circus 2025” from June 27 to 29 at Tokyo’s Club eX.  

Koharu’s announcement has been met with overwhelming support from fans, who are eager to see her balance motherhood with her thriving musical career. 

As Charan-Po-Rantan continues to charm audiences worldwide, Koharu’s new chapter adds a deeply personal touch to their already captivating story.  

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