Katsuji Ryo Spotted Dating Actress Kita Kana

Katsuji Ryo Spotted Dating Actress Kita Kana

FRIDAY Magazine has reported that actor and ex Atsuko Maeda's husband Katsuji Ryo (38) and actress Kita Kana (27) are dating. 

The two were seen together in mid-January at Toba Aquarium in Mie Prefecture, one of Japan’s largest aquariums, which attracts nearly a million visitors annually.

Eyewitnesses recall seeing the couple at the aquarium’s exit around 4 PM on a weekday. 

They were carrying shopping bags from the gift shop when they stopped to assist a woman struggling with a heavy bar while pushing a stroller. 

The man who helped was none other than Katsuji Ryo, immediately recognised due to his lack of disguise.

Katsuji Ryo was previously married to former AKB48 member Atsuko Maeda (33), tying the knot in 2018. 

They welcomed a son the following year but divorced after less than three years. 

Despite their separation, Katsuji has maintained a positive relationship with his ex-wife and child, often seen together at theme parks.

However, his companion on this aquarium date was not Maeda. 

The woman was identified as Kita Kana, a rising actress known for her delicate features and slender figure. 

FRIDAY’s 14 February issue, along with its premium version FRIDAY GOLD, delves deeper into their relationship and the details of their date.

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