Kanzaki Zero to Graduate from Kingsari

Kanzaki Zero to Graduate from Kingsari

Kingsari has officially announced the graduation of Kanzaki Zero, scheduled for 19th January 2025. 

The decision stems from creative differences between Kanzaki and the group's future direction. 

Despite her departure, she will remain with the agency to focus on new projects that align with her personal ambitions.

The announcement, shared via Kingsari's social media, expressed gratitude to fans for their continued support. 

The group also apologised for the abrupt news, requesting fans to cheer for Kanzaki until her final performance.

Fans have shared mixed emotions, with many praising Kanzaki's dedication to her craft and expressing excitement for her upcoming ventures. 

As she closes this chapter, Kanzaki aims to bring fresh creativity to her future endeavours while honouring her time with Kingsari.

For further details, Kingsari has provided an image with additional context regarding the graduation process. Fans are encouraged to stay updated through the group's official platforms.

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