JKT48's Lulu Joins Elite Top 9 in AKB48 Singing Contest

JKT48's Lulu Joins Elite Top 9 in AKB48 Singing Contest

The finalists of the AKB48 Group No.1 Singing Competition are set to hold a special one-night live concert on 18 February 2025 at Tachikawa Stage Garden.

The TOP 9 members participating in this prestigious event are:

  1. Okumura Rio (STU48)
  2. Murayama Yuiri (AKB48)
  3. Mimura Hino (NGT48)
  4. Taguchi Manaka (AKB48)
  5. Seiji Reina (NGT48)
  6. Otsuka Nanami (NGT48)
  7. Sakamoto Erena (HKT48)
  8. Lulu Salsabila (JKT48)
  9. Toyonaga Aki (HKT48)

With her remarkable achievement, Lulu Salsabila of JKT48 stands out as the only representative from outside Japan, proudly carrying her group's flag. 

Her inclusion has sparked immense support from fans worldwide, including members and fans of MNL48, CGM48, KLP48, and BNK48.

This concert promises unforgettable performances and an inspiring showcase of talent from the AKB48 Group's finest singers. Fans eagerly await the historic night to cheer on their favourites, with Lulu Salsabila capturing hearts as a global representative.

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