Jiang Luxia Responds to 'Operation Leviathan' Criticism

Jiang Luxia Responds to 'Operation Leviathan' Criticism

Chinese actress Jiang Luxia has finally addressed fans’ disappointment over the reduced screen time of her character, Tong Li, in Operation Leviathan.

Through her personal social media account, Jiang reassured fans that she fully respects the film’s creative decisions. 

She expressed gratitude for every moment she had in the project, stating, "Whether something is worth doing or not, I always follow my heart. As long as I find value in it, then it truly is valuable."

Jiang emphasised that every second of Tong Li’s presence in Jiaolong Xingdong was meaningful and justified. Despite fan criticism, she remains professional and appreciative of her role.

Operation Leviathan is the latest instalment in the Operation Red Sea franchise, which previously achieved massive success at the Chinese box office. 

However, early previews revealed that Tong Li’s role had been significantly reduced compared to the previous film.

This unexpected change left many fans feeling disappointed, as they had anticipated more of Jiang Luxia’s action-packed performance. 

While some expressed their dissatisfaction online, Jiang’s composed response showcased her dedication to her craft and respect for the production’s vision.

Despite the controversy, Operation Leviathan continues to draw attention, with audiences eager to see how the latest chapter of the franchise unfolds.

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