Huang Zitao Responds to Follower Loss After Car Giveaway

Huang Zitao Responds to Follower Loss After Giveaway

Huang Zitao recently pulled off one of the most extravagant giveaways, promising to hand out 10 cars if his social media account hit 15 million followers. 

Once the target was reached, the idol upped the ante to 30 cars to show his gratitude. 

However, after the first wave of giveaway, he lost over 3 million followers.

Despite the fallout, Tao expressed no regrets, saying, "I have a clear conscience." 

Tao thanked his fans for their support, even those who unfollowed him. 

Huang Zitao Responds to Follower Loss After Giveaway

"Those who understand will understand," he added, showing his unwavering positivity.

The giveaway wasn’t without challenges. 

Huang Zitao and his team carefully planned to ensure the event complied with regulations. 

Winners are allowed to use the cars for five years before returning them, a measure to ease financial responsibilities.

The first wave of the lottery saw 10 winners receive cars worth around $14,900 each, while 10 cars were pledged to the Women’s and Children’s Foundation. 

Huang Zitao also promised further gestures of gratitude for loyal supporters, ensuring everyone feels valued.

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