Guardians of Dafeng: Hits Tencent Heat Index but Faces Criticism

Guardians of Dafeng: Hits Tencent Heat Index but Faces Criticism

The period costume drama Guardians of the Dafeng, starring Dylan Wang and Tian Xiwei, premiered on 28 December 2024 and has already aired 23 episodes. 

It’s been a notable success, achieving a remarkable 39,000 heat index on Tencent and topping daily viewership rankings with a record 69 million views on 18 January.

Despite these impressive stats, the drama has faced mixed reviews. 

On Douban, it received a low 5.4 rating. 

Guardians of Dafeng: Hits Tencent Heat Index but Faces Criticism

Netizens on Weibo criticised Dylan Wang’s comedic delivery as unnatural and said his voice and intonation didn’t suit the ancient dynasty setting.

The drama, adapted from Mai Bao Xiao Lang Jun’s novel Da Feng Da Geng Ren, follows modern worker Yang Ling, who mysteriously becomes Xu Qi’an, a night watchman in Dafeng City during an ancient era. 

Faced with mysterious events involving Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, demons, and witches, Xu Qi’an strives to protect the city.

Fans praised the unique storyline and Xu Qi’an’s charm, but some felt Tian Xiwei’s character was sidelined and her late introduction diminished her role. 

Critics also noted tonal inconsistencies, which made the drama divisive.

While reviews are mixed, Guardians of the Dafeng continues to draw strong viewership and ad revenue, cementing its place as both a hit and a polarising production. Its quirky blend of humour and mystery ensures it remains a topic of debate among viewers.

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