Ex T-ARA’s Areum Faces Prison for Child Abuse

Ex T-ARA’s Areum Faces Prison for Child Abuse

Former T-ARA Member Areum Gets Probation for Abuse

Former T-ARA member Areum has been sentenced to eight months in prison with a two-year probation period following charges of child abuse and defamation. 

The verdict, delivered on the 17th by Ansan District Court, also mandates 40 hours of child abuse prevention classes.

The charges stem from Areum verbally abusing her ex-husband, identified as A, in front of their children. 

Additionally, she defamed an individual, C, on an online broadcast, alleging that court documents concerning her current boyfriend, B, were fabricated.

The court criticised Areum’s actions, stating she inflicted severe mental harm on the children and failed to verify facts before making defamatory claims. 

Areum admitted to child abuse but denied intending to defame.

Areum’s mother was also sentenced to four months in prison, with a one-year probation, for neglecting to remove her grandchildren from the abusive environment between 2021 and 2022.

Once a T-ARA member for a brief year in 2012, Areum has faced multiple controversies since her departure, including a legal battle with her ex-husband and allegations of unpaid debts. She is currently in a relationship with B and expecting her fourth child.

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