End of an Era: Nakai Masahiro Retires, Ex-SMAP Members React

End of an Era: Nakai Masahiro Retires, Ex-SMAP Members React

Ex-SMAP Members React to Nakai Masahiro’s Retirement

Former SMAP members Inagaki Goro, Kusanagi Tsuyoshi, and Katori Shingo have responded to Nakai Masahiro’s sudden retirement announcement. 

The trio released a joint statement today via their agency, CULEN, expressing their shock and inability to comment immediately.

"As the news came suddenly, we are currently at a loss for words and need time to organise our thoughts. In view of this, we are unable to say anything at the moment and seek everyone's understanding in this," the statement read.

Masahiro Nakai, 52, announced his retirement through his fan club website after recent reports about a personal dispute involving a woman and a high settlement payment. 

He acknowledged the issue in a statement earlier this month, taking full responsibility for his actions.

Following the controversy, Masahiro Nakai’s TV and radio shows gradually ended, culminating in his official retirement announcement. 

Fans of SMAP, one of Japan's most iconic boy bands, are deeply saddened by the news. The group disbanded in 2016, but its members remained influential figures in the industry.

His departure marks the end of an era, as he was a key figure in the entertainment industry for decades.

Fans and colleagues have expressed mixed emotions, with many sending supportive messages while others remain curious about the circumstances leading to his decision.

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