Wang Yibo to Release New Single “I am not Here”

Wang Yibo to Release New Single “I am not Here”

Singer-actor Wang Yibo has announced his upcoming single, "Wo Zai" or "I am not Here," set to release on 28 December 2024 at noon. 

The announcement came with a poetic social media post and a concept poster evoking imagination and introspection.

“Close your eyes, the colours of the world bloom in your heart. The distant and vague meet the near and real,” Wang Yibo wrote, describing the song’s profound message.

A teaser audio has also been revealed, capturing fans' hearts. Yibo’s narration, “The pulse of life expands, intertwining boundaries. 

Faint dust reunites with bright stars,” hints at themes of hope, connection, and eternity.

The single will be available on platforms like QQ Music, Kugou Music, and Kuwo Music. 

The official hashtag "Wang Yibo’s New Song Revealed" quickly trended on Weibo, sparking excitement among fans.

Known for his emotive storytelling, Yibo’s “I am not Here” promises to be a heartfelt masterpiece, reflecting his creative and emotional journey.

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