BokuAo's 5th Single & Nationwide Tour Announced

BokuAo's 5th Single & Nationwide Tour Announced

Boku ga Mitakatta Aozora (BokuAo) has revealed exciting news for 2025. Their 5th single is set to release on 19 March 2025, marking the start of a long-term project for the group. 

The announcement came alongside plans for a nationwide tour in March and April, visiting Tokyo, Hiroshima, Miyagi, Osaka, Fukuoka, and Aichi.

Members have expressed their hopes for fans' unwavering support, sharing heartfelt messages through social media. 

The group's staff also pledged on Instagram to give their utmost effort, promising a memorable year ahead.

BokuAo's plans for 2025 include the release of more singles and potential collaborations with other J-Pop idol groups, sparking excitement among fans. 

The year is shaping up to be a defining chapter for the group, with their long-term project bringing fresh energy and direction to their career.

As the group gears up for these milestones, they continue to focus on connecting with fans and showcasing their evolving artistry. Stay tuned for updates on this promising journey.

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