Kojima Haruna Shocking Fan Incident in Taiwan Explained

Kojima Haruna Shocking Fan Incident in Taiwan Explained

Former AKB48 idol Haruna Kojima is doing fine after a startling incident at her photobook launch event in Shibuya on October 28. 

Shortly after the event, a 42-year-old Taiwanese student allegedly grabbed Kojima and dragged her to the floor. 

Despite the unexpected incident, Kojima remained calm, and event staff immediately came to her assistance, quickly detaining the man until local police arrived.

The assailant has reportedly admitted to grabbing the star but insists he had no violent intent. 

Thankfully, Kojima Haruna wasn't injured, and she reassured fans shortly after that she’s alright. 

The incident, however, left fans and attendees deeply shaken, raising concerns about security at similar fan events in the future.

Police are investigating the motive behind the incident, though no official statement has been made regarding charges. 

Kojima’s team has expressed gratitude for the swift response of the event staff and the outpouring of support from fans.

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