Mio Masui’s Big Idol Group Audition with a Twist!

Mio Masui’s Big Idol Group Audition with a Twist!

Mio Masui, the former member of the iconic idol group PASSPO☆ and current leader of the cute metal band Mellows, has just announced a big move! 

She's holding auditions for a brand new idol group. 

What’s exciting is that this group will not only perform Mellows songs but will also dive into the world of voice acting. 

Imagine a blend of powerful metal performances mixed with the sweet sounds of anime characters!

It’s clear Mio is looking to do something different here. She wants idols who can both sing and bring animated characters to life. 

It's not every day you hear about an idol group doing double duty as voice actresses! 

It’s an incredible opportunity for anyone passionate about both music and anime.

Mio’s vision seems to be all about combining her love for metal and the cute, energetic world of idols with the magical touch of voice acting. 

Given her experience in the industry and her leadership in Mellows, it’s no surprise that she’s pushing boundaries.

If you’ve ever dreamed of being an idol and a voice actress at the same time, this might just be the chance you’ve been waiting for! 

Keep your eyes on Mio Masui and her next moves—something tells us this project will shake up the idol scene in a big way!

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