ARASHI Unveils Massive 2024 Anniversary Plans

ARASHI Unveils Massive 2024 Anniversary Plans

ARASHI fans, get ready! This year marks a major milestone for the iconic group as they gear up to celebrate their 2024 debut anniversary on November 3rd. 

And they're not holding back! 

From exclusive content drops to remastered concert footage, there's a lot in store for both long-time followers and new fans alike. It's shaping up to be one unforgettable celebration.

One of the most exciting announcements is the release of their classic music videos (MVs) on YouTube. 

For years, ARASHI's fans have been eagerly waiting for more of the group’s older hits to be accessible online. 

Now, with this surprise announcement, fans can relive the magic of their favourite songs in high-quality streams. 

This decision by their label, Storm Labels, is a real treat for those who missed out on the original releases or simply want to walk down memory lane.

But that’s not all. There’s more! Fans can also look forward to Blu-ray remasters of their iconic concert performances. 

These remasters are set to bring the energy of ARASHI's legendary live shows to your home, with the highest possible video and audio quality. 

Whether it's their early days or their most recent tours, these remastered editions promise to capture every moment with the clarity they deserve.

As part of the celebration, Storm Labels has launched a special website dedicated to this grand anniversary. 

The site, which can be found at, will feature exclusive content, behind-the-scenes videos, and special merchandise offers. 

Fans are encouraged to keep checking back for new updates as the November date approaches.

With all these announcements, ARASHI is truly going all out for their fans. 

Their commitment to delivering fresh and nostalgic content highlights their deep connection with their audience, even after so many years in the industry. 

This anniversary isn’t just about looking back – it’s about bringing ARASHI’s legacy to new generations while honouring the dedicated fans who have supported them since day one.

For those lucky enough to have followed ARASHI throughout the years, this November will be the perfect time to celebrate the group's incredible journey. 

And if you're new to the ARASHI family, there’s no better moment to dive into their timeless music and iconic performances. 

Keep your calendars marked for November 3rd – it’s going to be a blast!

Stay tuned for more updates and make sure to visit the special site for all things ARASHI anniversary. 

Whether you're rewatching their classic MVs or experiencing their live shows in stunning Blu-ray quality, this celebration is something you won’t want to miss.

What’s the highlight of ARASHI’s 2024 anniversary?
ARASHI will release their classic MVs on YouTube, along with remastered Blu-rays of their concerts.

When is the anniversary celebration?
The celebration is on November 3rd, 2024.

Where can I find more details about the anniversary?
A: Visit their special website at

Will there be exclusive merchandise for the anniversary?
Yes, the special website will offer exclusive merch and other content leading up to November 3rd.

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