Idol groups ANONIMITY and DOGMACLUB have announced significant changes that will affect their fans deeply. 

ANONIMITY is set to disband on October 28th, 2023. 

The group hasn’t disclosed the reasons behind the sudden decision, leaving fans speculating about what might have led to this dramatic move. 

The news has left many of their supporters in shock, as the group was known for its dynamic performances and passionate fanbase.

Meanwhile, DOGMACLUB has revealed they will be going on an indefinite hiatus following their concert on November 2nd, 2023.

The reason for this hiatus stems from internal challenges. 

The remaining three members have expressed that continuing their activities would be too difficult after a recent departure. 

This announcement comes as a blow to fans who had been looking forward to future performances and releases.

The upcoming concert on November 2nd is set to be a poignant event, as it will mark the end of DOGMACLUB’s current chapter. 

Fans are expected to flock to the event, hoping for a memorable final performance. 

Both groups have left their followers with a mix of emotions, reflecting the unpredictable nature of the entertainment industry. 

For now, fans will have to cherish their remaining moments with these beloved idols and await further updates on their futures.

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