Survey: Nogizaka46 is the best idol group, full rank

Ranking of the best female group in Japan and Nogizaka46 came out as a the best one by voting. Here is the final results.
Survey: Nogizaka46 is the best idol group, full rank recently conducted a survey for the best idol group ranking.

Out of the total 163 groups recorded, the groups formed by Yasushi Akimoto are ranked in the top 60. 

Meanwhile Nogizaka46 took first place with the most votes. 

This survey took a total of 29650 votes from the 7348 participants who took part.

1. Nogizaka46 
3. Hinatazaka46
4. Sakurazaka46
5. AKB48
9. NMB48
15. SKE48
25. IZ*ONE
26. HKT48
30. STU48
59. NGT48
60. SDN48

Full rank:

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