Nogizaka46 Okamoto Himena is bullying Tomisato Nao, SNS leaks

Okamoto Himena went viral, she is known for bullying fellow Nogizaka46 5ki member Tomisato Nao.
Nogizaka46 5th gen member Okamoto Himena refrain from activities with the group as they said, the 5ki member violated the group's activity rules. 

Leaked pictures and videos of her sending rehearsal and selfies with other members to her boyfriend, then the boyfriend uploaded the content to his Instagram story. 

She's also leaking unreleased MV and fans says it's still forgiveable. 

But, on the other leaks Okamoto Himena bullying other members, in this case a fellow 5th generation member, Tomisato Nao. 

Nogizaka46 Okamoto Himena is bullying Tomisato Nao, SNS leaks

On her private SNS, Instagram Story, she said, "Tomisato Nao can't appear tomorrow(Omitatekai) because of covid.
I've always hated people who pretend to be good"

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