MNL48 conquers SEA48 through Pokemon UNITE

Padayon an e-Sports team from MNL48 just win the AKB48 Group Pokemon Unite Invitational. As it happened.
Padayon MNL48 Pokemon Unite

Today the final round of AKB48 Group Pokemon UNITE Invitational tournament has been held. 

BNK48's Yummy Remote take on PADAYON from MNL48. 

PADAYON came out as a champuons as they beat Yummy Remote with final score 3-1. 

PADAYON is a team with five MNL48 members in it, they are Yzabel, Jem, Kath, Klaire and Miho. 

This is MNL48's first achievement in 2022. 

The win means PADAYON will be presented as a Pokemon UNITE brand ambassador.

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