SKE48 sub-unit Coming Flavor 1st single details

The sub unit of SKE48 "Coming Flavor" to release their first single titled "Camelia". Here is full tracklist and details event.
SKE48 sub-unit Coming Flavor 1st single details

SKE48's sub unit, Coming Flavor will release its first single "Camelia (カメリア)" on December 29, 2021. 

This single will be released in 2 types, Loppi/HMV and Regular Type.


Type Loppi / HMV:
01. Camelia (カメリア)
02. Hitorigoto (ヒトリゴト)

Type Regular:
01. Camelia
02. Meet a Girls Cute!

There will be a handover party event at HMV Sakae on January 15 and 22, 2022, and at HMV & BOOKS SHIBUYA on February 5-6 2022.

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