Okada Nana as Hoshino Akari, fell in love with her teacher

AKB48 member Okada Nana starring new drama Ubaiai Koukou Kyoushi for 4 episodes. Finally a new dorama for 48 Group members.
Okada Nana as Hoshino Akari, fell in love with her teacher

AKB48 member Okada Nana will play a high school student role as a Hoshino Akari in new dorama. 

Hoshino Akari is a newly transferred high school girl who fell in love with her teacher. 

The drama is titled "Ubaiai, Koukou Kyoushi (奪い愛、高校教師)" which will be broadcast on TV Asahi from December 27, 2021 for 4 episodes. 

Streaming service Abema will broadcast an exclusive first episode on December 20. 

Broadcast schedule at ABEMA SPECIAL: 
Episode 1: 27 December 2021 (21:00 JST) 
Episode 2: December 28, 2021 (21:00 JST) 
Episode 3: December 29, 2021 (21:00 JST) 
Episode 4: December 30, 2021 (21:00 JST) 

Broadcast schedule on TV Asahi: 
Episode 1: 27 December 2021 (24:15 JST) 
Episode 2: December 28, 2021 (24:15 JST) 
Episode 3: December 29, 2021 (24:40 JST) 
Episode 4: December 30, 2021 (24:50 JST) 

Scenario: Suzuki Osamu 
Music: Sawada Kan 
Director: Komatsu Takashi 
Mizuki Alisa 
Otani Ryohei 
Okada Nana 
Matsumoto Marika

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