Suto Ririka's moment was a disgrace for Yuihan

The one and only Yokoyama Yui graduation concert has ended. Here is what is Yuihan worst moment during her reign as a Soukantoku.
Suto Ririka's moment was a disgrace for Yuihan

Reviewing Yokoyama Yui's graduation concert, Sponichi wrote Yuihan's moment of love for AKB48 Group. 

She feels ashamed and responsible for shocking marriage announcement by Suto Ririka. 

Yuihan was a Soukantoku that year. 

The announcement was made during the 2017 Senbatsu Sousenkyo on stage, so Yuihan finished the event in the bathroom and cried. 

It is labeled as one of the worst day in 48 Group history, the same day when Tano Yuka scandal exposed and Watanabe Mayu announced graduation.

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