Sakamichi on Oricon Book Annual Ranking 2021

Nogizaka46, Sakurazaka46 and Hinatzaka46 data on Oricon Annual Book has been released. Here is the details.
Sakamichi on Oricon Book Annual Ranking 2021

Just like Oricon always do every single year. 

Oricon Book Annual Ranking for 2021 Sakamichi Series (Nogizaka46 - Sakurazaka46 - Hinatazaka46) edition has been revealed.

1. Photobook Kosaka Nao (166.876)
2. Photobook Hinatazaka46 Hinasatsu Vol.1 (152.277)
3. Photobook Saito Kyoko (135.119)
4. Photobook Tamura Hono (85.034)
6. Photobook Matsumura Sayuri (62.776)
8. Photobook Hori Miona (40.604)

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