NMB48 will do another controversial Muchakuse event

What even is Muchakuse NMB48 event? This time will be held again with Mizuta Shiori as a director.
Another NMB48 Muchakuse event will be held

NMB48 will again hold the Muchakuse Yuri Gekijou Stage at the NMB48 Theater on November 19, 2021 at 18:30 JST (16:30 WIB). 

This time the producer/director is Mizuta Shiori. 

Shiorin known as an enthusiast of gravure member. 

Participating members: Abe Wakana, Ishida Yuumi, Kawakami Chihiro, Kuroda Fuuwa, Kawano Nanaho, Kojima Karin, Sadano Haruka, Satsuki Aika, Jonishi Rei, Sugiura Kotone, Deguchi Yuina, Nakano Mirai, Hara Karen, Hirayama Mai, Maeda Reiko, Mizuta Shiori.

Fans were expecting more interesting scenes than the previous Muchakuse held by Kinoshita Momoka, Abe Wakana, and Maeda Reiko. 

The event once went viral because of it's hilarious scene.

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