Details on Nogizaka46 10th Year Birthday Live Concert

Here is full detail information regarding Nogizaka46 10th year birthday live in concert.
Details on Nogizaka46 10th Year Birthday Live Concert

Nogizaka46 10th Year Birthday Live will be held on 14-15 May 2022 at Nissan Stadium. 

Nogizaka46 finally being able to catch up with AKB48 Group for a concert there.

AKB48 Group itself also held a concert at Nissan Stadium only once back in 2013, and it is still listed as the largest 48 Group concert. 

Nissan Stadium also known as Yokohama International Stadium is the most prestigious Stadium in Japan because it can accommodate more than 70000 spectators, much more than the Tokyo Dome which can accommodate 42000 spectators.

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