Nogizaka46 "Saigo no Tight Hug" will be released early

Following Ikuta Erika graduation, Nogizaka46 to release early the song Saigo no Tight Hug with Ikuchan herself as center.
Nogizaka46 "Saigo no Tight Hug" will be released early

Nogizaka46 will pre-release the song of "Saigo no Tight Hug" on November 5, 2021. 

Saigo no Tight Hug is a song with Ikuta Erika as the center is the main song for Nogizaka46's Best Album "Time flies" which will be released on December 15. 

Ikuta Erika has announced her graduation few days agl, and will end her activities with Nogizaka46 by December 31. 

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