New policy prevents AKB48 Team SH from doing election

AKB48 Team SH the 48 Group based in Shanghai could no longer doing General Election due to Chinese government's new policy.
New policy prevents AKB48 Team SH from doing election

AKB48 Team SH are on the verge in releasing 7th single EP Oogoe Diamond. 

But it seems this time they will never doing it like usual. 

Based on new government policy in China, celebrity showbiz rankings have been banned and general elections are no longer possible. 

This time, it seems that the management committee is trying to decide the members on a next new song "Oogoe Diamond" based on each individual member’s CD sales. 

There has been no official announcement yet, but judging by the reaction of their members and the group's sales ranking, it is highly likely that this could be the case.

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