SNH48 General Election 2021 to be beld with no audiences

Final results of SNH48 General Elections 2021 wi be announced, and event to be held without audiences.
SNH48 General Election 2021 to be beld with no audiences
SNH48 members rehearsals for 2021 Elections

Through it's official Weibo, Shanghai Siba STAR48 has just announced that this year's SNH48 Group General Election will be held with no audiences.

The handshake event scheduled on August 8-9 will be postponed to September 11 & 12 at the same venue. 

This event will on broadcast live at Migu Music. With the main SNH48 Elections handshake event now delayed to September, each sister group will hold smaller events at their theaters in the meantime

The first to announce plans is GNZ48 which will welcome fans at their Xingmeng Theater on August 14th and 15th. 

The Top16 of the 2021 SNH48 General Elections will meet select fans for a small scale handshake event on August 8th and 9th as mentioned. 

The other members will hold a thank you event online on the "Pocket48" APP over 2 days. SNH48 will work with its ticketing partners to issue full refunds to fans who had already purchased offline concert tickets

The online broadcasts will remain as scheduled. 

Groups will also hold thank you events in their respective theaters in Auguat-September.

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