Atsuko Maeda dating new boyfriend, 3 months after her divorce

Morikawa Masanori as a famous designer is the new Maeda Atsuko's boyfriend. Acchan having a boyfriend 3 months after her divorce with Ryo Katsuji.
Atsuko Maeda and boyfriend Morikawa Masanori

It has been reported that former AKB48 Atsuko Maeda - who is only 3 months divorced from her husband, Ryo Katsuji - has a new boyfriend and is currently living with fashion designer Morikawa Masanori. 

Atsuko Maeda and boyfriend Morikawa Masanori

Morikawa is famous as a Paris Collection designer, and for his handcrafted fashion whose brand: Christian Dada, was used on Lady Gaga's world tour. 

Acchan has been seen leaving the Morikawa's place several times in the past weeks.

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