SKE48 Family set to be official fan club name

It has been annouced that SKE48 Family is the name for SKE48 official fans club, fanbase, or anything related to it, here full story ...
SKE48 Family set to be official fan club name

SKE48 has announced their official fan club name "SKE48 Family".

This announcement was made on the official website on January 16, 2020 regarding the official fanclub.

The fanclub name is clearly written "SKE48 Family" and will begin on February 1, 2020.

Their offici fanclub website will also be opened at the same time.

SKE48 Family official membership registration is not free.

Fans will be charged for registration fee and it's 1,100 Yen.

In addition, if you want to subscribe, you will be charged 5,500 Yen.

You will get exclusive news magazine twice a year, special events, priority ticketing, and special merchandise.
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