Details on Hinatazaka46 4th single 'Sonna Koto Nai yo' revealed

Details on Hinatazaka46 4th single 'Sonna Koto Nai yo' revealed

The title of Hinatazaka46 4th single, which will be released on February 19, 2020, has been revealed which is 'Sonna koto Nai yo (ソ ン ナ コ ト ナ イ ヨ)'.

This single will be released in 4 types, they're type A ~ C (CD + Blu-ray) and Regular (CD).

2nd generation member, Hamagishi Hiyori who has been on hiatus from the group's activities since June 2019 will continue her activities as a Hinatazaka46 member starting with the group's 4th single activity.
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