Baghdad man take over MNL48 Alyssa Instagram account

Baghdad man take over MNL48 Alyssa Instagram account

Few days ago, an Instagram account belonging to an MNL48 member, Alyssa, was reportedly has been taken by someone.

Alyssa's account which was originally located at @alyssa.mnl48official was suddenly replaced by other people.

Alyssa's account has been renamed to @ab.m999.

The man changed the entire account, including deleting all of Alyssa's posts uploaded on Instagram.

Judging from the account, the name of this man is Adurrohman.

He has also uploaded his personal photos now.

He listed his hometown, Baghdad.

Now, Alyssa has opened a new Instagram because the man is reluctant to return the official account.

Alyssa MNL48 Instagram account is now located at @mnl48official.alyssa.
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