Sakurai Reika 'Wide West Story' season 3 details

Sakurai Reika 'Wide West Story' season 3 details

Former Nogizaka46 member Sakurai Reika will star in broadway musical 'West Side Story' season 3.

In this musical, Reika Sakurai will play the female lead, Maria, who will also star Ihara Rikka (double cast).

- Broadway musical 'West Side Story' Season 3 -
● Performance Schedule: April 1 ~ May 31, 2020 @ IHI Stage Around Tokyo, Tokyo.
● Casts:
— Tony: Urai Kenji, Kakizawa Hayato (w-cast)
— Maria: Sakurai Reika, Ihara Rikka (w-cast)
— Anita: Sonim, Yumesaki Nene (w-cast)
— Riff: Kato Kazuki, Kimura Tatsunari (w-cast)
— Bernardo: Oguri, Arisawa Shotaro (w-cast)
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