SNH48 Group reveals first details regarding the upcoming 6th Best50 Request Time Concert which will be held in Guangzhou on December 21st
Once again this year, fans will be able to vote for their favourite songs, who they want to see performing it, and who will be the center of each song.
Songs will be ranked based on votes with a specific number of each type (Team songs, Solos, Duets, Units) at each level up to 50.
Two prelimary results announcements will take place prior to the actual Best50.
The first will take place on October 13th followed by a second on October 27th.
Rewards for the 6th Request Time:
- Highest Team Song and Unit Song will be given MV
- Those 2 songs plus 10 other songs will be recorded into the 2020 SNH48 Spring EP B50 Special Edition.