Nogizaka46 Inoue Sayuri featured stage play 'Wakasama Gumi Mairu Aisukurin Tsuyoshi'

Member Nogizaka46 Inoue Sayuri will be featured in the stage play 'Wakasama Gumi Mairu ~ Aisukurin Tsuyoshi ~ [若 様 組 ま い る ~ ア イ ス ク リ ン 強 し ~]'.

Nogizaka46 Inoue Sayuri - Wakasama Gumi Mairu.jpg

'Wakasama Gumi Mairu ~ Aisukurin Tsuyoshi ~' is the second series of stage drama '' Wakasama Ggumi Mairu 'which was staged in 2016 ago.

'Wakasamagumi Mairu ~ Aisukurin Tsuyoshi ~' takes the background of the Meiji era, tells of a Western-style pastry cracker named Minakawa Shinjiro and former Hatamoto [samurai] police officers.

In this stage drama, Inoue plays the figure of a cunning young woman named Shitou Shinako.

Wakasama Gumi Mairu ~ Aisukurin Tsuyoshi ~

Period Schedule: April 27 ~ May 6, 2018
Venue: Sunshine Theater, Tokyo
Screenplay / Director: Murakami Hiroki
Casts: Tamaka Yuuki, Irie Jingi, Shiono Akihisa, Nakamura Yuichi, Yasukawa Junpei, Miyazaki Karen, Sayuri Inoue, Wagou Shinichi, Kobayakawa Shunsu, Hashimoto Zenitsu, Takeshi Naoki, Matsunami Yuki, Onodera Zuru, Kamakari Kenta, Ito Yuichi, Awane Makoto

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